March 8, 2014 | Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) Annual Spring Conference
Several CAPSEE researchers presented research findings at a symposium examining various aspects of community college education and employment.
Transferring To A For-Profit College Will Decrease How Much Money You Make: Study | 1/28/2014
CAPSEE findings on the wage penalty students experience from transferring from a community college to a for-profit college are highlighted in The Huffington Post.
For-Profit Wage Gap | 1/28/2014
Inside Higher Ed discusses findings from a CAPSEE study that found community college students who transfer to for-profit institutions earn less than do peers who transfer to public or private colleges.
Students Who Transfer to a For-Profit College May Pay Later | 1/28/2014
The Chronicle of Higher Education discusses the negative wage gains for students who enroll at for-profit colleges after beginning their postsecondary education in community college.
For-Profit College Alums Make Less Money | 1/28/2014
Bloomberg Businessweek shares CAPSEE findings on the weaker earnings of students who start at community colleges and transfer to for-profit colleges, versus public or nonprofit schools.
Transfers to For-Profit Colleges Earn Less Than Others | 1/27/2014
Findings from a CAPSEE study by Yuen Ting Liu and Clive Belfield on the labor market outcomes of students who begin at community colleges and transfer to for-profit colleges are featured in the U.S. News and World Report.
NEW YORK, NY (January 27, 2014) — Using student progression and earnings data in two states, a new CAPSEE paper examines labor market outcomes for students who enrolled at for-profit colleges after beginning their postsecondary education in community college. The authors find significant penalties for transferring to a for-profit college instead of a public or private nonprofit college.
January 3–5, 2014 | American Economic Association 2014 Annual Meeting
At the 2014 AEA conference, several CAPSEE researchers presented research findings.
By: Yuen Ting Liu & Clive Belfield | January 2014
Using student progression and earnings data in two states, this paper examines labor market outcomes for students who enrolled at for-profit colleges after beginning their postsecondary education in community college. The authors find significant penalties for transferring to a for-profit college instead of a public or private nonprofit college.
CAPSEE Researchers Testify Before Senate HELP Committee | 11/14/2013
CAPSEE researchers Bridget Terry Long and Judith Scott-Clayton testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (HELP) on Thursday, November 14. The topic of the full committee hearing is “Ensuring Access to Higher Education: Simplifying Federal Student Aid for Today’s College Student.”