State Partners
To ensure that research findings addressed the needs of state education leaders and institutions of higher education, and to help state agencies strengthen their own skills and capacity to carry out this type of research, CAPSEE’s program of core research was developed collaboratively with five partner states. Likewise, center research was conducted jointly by academic researchers and state- and institutional-level researchers in these states. State partners provided data and worked with academic researchers to plan and carry out studies with appropriate understanding of particular state contexts. To further broaden the impact of this work, affiliates from two additional states provided guidance and feedback and participate in CAPSEE activities.
Partner State Representatives

Alice van Ommeren
Alice van Ommeren is the director of research at the Technology, Research and Information Services division of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. She is responsible for overseeing state and federal reporting requirements and accountability frameworks, managing the collection of student record data for the 112 colleges in the system and providing leadership to a series of system-wide technology initiatives. She has been with the Chancellor’s Office for the past decade and served as dean of research, analysis and accountability since 2012. She received her doctorate in educational leadership from the University of the Pacific in 2010 and has published in several educational research journals. She is past president of the California Association of Institutional Research (CAIR) and ten-year board member of the Research and Planning (RP) Group of the California Community Colleges.

James Jacobs
James Jacobs assumed the presidency of Macomb Community College on July 1, 2008. Prior to his appointment, he concurrently served as director of the Center for Workforce Development and Policy at the college and as associate director of the Community College Research Center (CCRC), Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Jacobs joined Macomb in 1967 and has taught social science, political science, and economics. He has specialized in the areas of workforce skills and technology, economic development, worker retraining, and community college workforce development and is widely published in these areas of expertise.
Stephanie McCann
Stephanie McCann is the director of data management and analysis at the Ohio Board of Regents. She has extensive experience in data management, analysis, and project management. Dr. McCann joined the Ohio Board of Regents in 1996 as a member of the team that designed the Ohio Board of Regents Higher Education Information (HEI). In her tenure at the Board of Regents, she has worked on projects involving HEI, financial aid, career–technical data, and articulation and transfer. Dr. McCann holds a BA from Texas A&M University in philosophy and English and an MA and PhD in classics from Ohio State University.

Sharon Morrissey
Sharon Morrissey is the vice chancellor for academic services and research at the Virginia Community College System. Prior to joining VCCS, Dr. Morrissey served as the executive vice president for programs and chief academic officer at the North Carolina Community College System Office, a position she held for four years. She has served nearly 15 years in academic, instructional, and student-support services positions throughout North Carolina’s community colleges, first as vice president of academic and student services at Fayetteville Technical Community College and then as vice president of instructional services at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College. Dr. Morrissey also served as president of Richmond Community College in North Carolina. She holds a BA in comparative literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, an MAEd in English from Western Carolina University, and an EdD in higher education administration from North Carolina State University.

Bill Schneider
North Carolina
Bill Schneider is the associate vice president for research and performance management at the North Carolina Community College System. In this role, he oversees statewide community college research that informs planning, policy-making, and performance measure processes. Previous positions include director of institutional effectiveness for Forsyth Tech Community College in North Carolina and director of research, planning, and assessment for Chesapeake College in Maryland. His work at the community college level is focused on assessing strategic goals, expanding institutional research functionality, facilitating a culture of evidence, and paying special attention to research associated with student retention and developmental education. Bill holds a master’s degree in policy sciences concentrating in evaluation and analytical methods from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics from Salisbury University.
Center Affiliates

David Gardner
Deputy Commissioner for Academic Planning and Policy/Chief Academic Officer, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
David Gardner is the deputy commissioner for academic planning and policy and chief academic officer at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Dr. Gardner leads the Planning and Accountability, Academic Affairs and Research, and P-16 Initiatives divisions. His primary responsibilities include coordination of the Board’s efforts toward Closing the Gaps through academic excellence and research at Texas institutions of higher education. Prior to joining the Coordinating Board staff in 1985, Dr. Gardner was on the faculty at Hofstra, where he taught in the graduate program of the Administration and Policy Studies Department. While at Hofstra, he was director of the master’s program, chaired the university’s planning committee, and served on the graduate council and the scholarships committee. He has also been a visiting professor at Texas A&M University. He is currently an adjunct professor of higher education at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Gardner holds a PhD and master’s degree from Texas A&M University and a BA from the University of Houston.

Jan Yoshiwara
Deputy Executive Director of Education, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Jan Yoshiwara is the deputy executive director for the Education Division at the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Her primary responsibilities are education policy and strategic planning for the community and technical college system, and management of the Education Division, including instruction, student services, eLearning, policy research and performance accountability. Ms. Yoshiwara works with senior staff at colleges, universities, higher education and K-12 agencies, governor’s office, legislators and state business and labor partners on education goals and policies. She joined the SBCTC in 1984, having previously served as associate director of planning and information services and assistant director for student services and minority affairs. Ms. Yoshiwara earned her BS in zoology from the University of California, Davis, and an MEd in student personnel administration for higher education from Western Washington University.