A College Degree Is Still Worthwhile, But Do Your Homework First | 10/27/2015
CAPSEE’s research on the outcomes of students who attend for-profit colleges is cited in an NBC News article on the returns to college degrees.
Fafsa Follies: To Gain a Student, Eliminate a Form | 8/21/2015
In an op-ed for The New York Times, Susan Dynarski puts forth an argument in favor of eliminating the FAFSA, and calculating eligibility for student aid based on tax data.
Making Work-Study Work | 7/31/2015
Inside Higher Ed takes an in-depth look at findings from a recent CAPSEE study by Judith Scott-Clayton and Veronica Minaya on the effects of Federal Work-Study participation on students’ academic and employment outcomes.
Dropout-Adjusted Outcomes | 2/16/2015
Inside Higher Ed highlights findings from a recent CAPSEE study on the returns to community college attendance. CAPSEE researcher Clive Belfield is quoted in the article.
CAPSEE Researchers Discuss the Cost and Quality of Online Learning | 2/5/2015
CAPSEE researchers David Deming, Claudia Goldin, and Lawrence F. Katz, along with colleague Noam Yuchtman, discuss their recent research on online learning in terms of the cost savings and employer perceptions of online degrees.
What Are the Economic Returns to Certificates? | 1/5/2015
In a blog post for Evolllution, Di Xu describes the findings and implications of a recent CAPSEE study on the labor market returns to community college certificates.
Do Community College Credentials Pay Off? | 12/23/2014
Madeline Joy Trimble takes a look at recent research findings on the returns to community college credentials in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, including findings from a CAPSEE study on certificates in North Carolina and Virginia.
The Fate of the Administration’s College Ratings | 12/19/2014
Susan Dynarski critiques the federal government’s proposed Postsecondary Institutional Ratings System in this NPR article.
Sorting Good from Bad Among For-Profit Colleges | 10/8/2014
CAPSEE research on for-profit colleges is cited in this op-ed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Why Aid for College Is Missing the Mark | 10/7/2014
The New York Times takes a look at the effects of federal aid for higher education on tuition costs, focusing in particular on for-profit colleges, which often provide less value for students. CAPSEE research on employer response rates to job applicants who are for-profit graduates is cited.