Education and Social Inequality Invited Symposium: Postsecondary Schooling and the Labor Market
Conference: Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) Annual Spring Conference
Date: March 8, 2014
Several CAPSEE researchers presented research findings at a symposium examining various aspects of community college education and employment.
Organizer: Michal Kurlaender, University of California, Davis, and CAPSEE
Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence From California Community Colleges
This presentation investigated the returns to sub-baccalaureate certificates and degrees in career technical (vocational) fields among those enrolled at California community colleges.
Ann Stevens, University of California, Davis, and CAPSEE
Michal Kurlaender, University of California, Davis, and CAPSEE
Michel Grosz, University of California, Davis, and CAPSEE
Work-Study Employment and Student Outcomes: A Propensity Score Analysis of Heterogeneous Effects
This presentation introduced a new theoretical framework for understanding employment and Federal Work Study program effects and examined the academic and labor market outcomes of FWS participants compared with other working students and non-working students.
Judith Scott-Clayton, CCRC and CAPSEE
Panel Discussant
Thomas Bailey, CCRC and CAPSEE