Advisory Board

Thomas DiPrete
Professor, Columbia University
Thomas DiPrete is a professor of sociology at Columbia University. His core interests are in the study of inequality, education, and life course dynamics, especially in an international context. DiPrete is currently involved in three research projects. The first concerns the rising gender gap in college completion and the family, school, and broader environmental factors that produce a gender difference in educational performance and educational persistence to the bachelor’s degree. The second concerns the impact of local environments and competition among pathways to alternative elite careers on the continuing gender gap in STEM majors. The third concerns the mechanisms underlying the sharp rise in executive compensation in the United States.

John Heywood
Distinguished Professor, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
John Heywood holds primary positions as distinguished professor of economics and director of the graduate program in human resources and labor relations at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He received his undergraduate degree from Swarthmore College and his PhD from the University of Michigan. He holds a concurrent position as a senior research fellow at the Birmingham University Business School in the United Kingdom and has held visiting positions in the United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong, and Australia. The author of more than 100 articles in labor economics, he has consulted for corporations, unions, think tanks, and governments. He currently serves on the editorial board of Education Economics and has published in leading journals.

Nate Johnson
Higher Education Consultant
Nate Johnson, based in Tallahassee, Florida, is an independent consultant on higher education policy, finance, financial aid, and student success issues. He has worked in education policy, planning, and research at the national, state, and institutional levels. He served for five years as executive director of planning and analysis for the State University System of Florida in the Office of the Chancellor. During that time, he facilitated the first statewide strategic plan for the Board of Governors after it was created in the Florida Constitution in 2003. He has also served as associate director of institutional research at the University of Florida and as a policy analyst in Florida’s nationally respected Office of Articulation, where he helped develop policies related to inter-sector transfer, high school graduation standards, and college admissions. Johnson grew up in Oregon and earned his bachelor’s degree from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, and his PhD in English literature from Cornell University.