James Jacobs

James JacobsJames Jacobs assumed the presidency of Macomb Community College on July 1, 2008. Prior to his appointment, he concurrently served as director for the Center for Workforce Development and Policy at the college, and as associate director of the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he currently serves on the board of directors.

Dr. Jacobs earned his PhD from Princeton University and has more than 40 years experience at Macomb. He has taught social science, political science, and economics. He specializes in the areas of workforce skills and technology, economic development, worker retraining and community college workforce development, and is widely published in these areas . In addition, he has conducted research, developed programs, and consulted on workforce development and community college issues at the national, state, and local levels.

Dr. Jacobs is a past president of the National Council for Workforce Education, a national postsecondary organization of occupational education and workforce development specialists. He is also a member of the Community College Advisory Panel to the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey, and of the board of the Global Corporate College, which provides consistent, just-in-time employee development to support business priorities across multiple time zones, locations, and languages through a network of U.S. community colleges and universities.

Dr. Jacobs serves on a number of local boards, including the Center for Automotive Research, Metropolitan Affairs Council, Detroit Institute of Arts, United Way for Southeastern Michigan, and Advancing Macomb. He is widely known for the Macomb County Economic Forecast, which he has presented annually for more than 30 years for the coalition of the county’s chambers of commerce.


Plenary Session: Do Students Invest Wisely in College?
Thursday, April 6, 9:00–10:30 AM